Confident in Learning, Caring in Life

Jesus said, “Love God, love yourself, love your neighbour” - Luke 10:27


At Chew Stoke Church School, children and their learning are central to everything we do. As a Church School, we aim to serve our community by providing an education of the highest quality within a framework of Christian belief and values. We encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promote Christian Values through the experiences we offer to all our children.

Members of our school community work together to provide a vibrant and creative learning experience for our children. A safe and secure environment that encourages children to be happy, confident and enthusiastic learners and enables them to take risks in their learning, within a climate of high expectation and challenge. We aim to do this in order to prepare learners emotionally, physically, spiritually and intellectually for their life ahead.

We value the partnership with parents and carers very highly and encourage them to take an active role in all aspects of school life. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which everyone feels comfortable and welcome. This extends to our wider school community and external stakeholders as well.

We are proud of the school’s achievements and values. We look forward to driving the excellent progress made in recent years to make this a truly outstanding school.

As a Church School, we aim to serve our community by providing an education of the highest quality within a framework of Christian belief and values. We encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promote Christian Values through the experiences we offer to all of our children. The school community has chosen six core Christian Values (underlined below) and a further twelve Christian Values which underpin our day-to-day lives, these are:


Courage   -    Truthfulness    -   Friendship   -   Trust    -   Compassion   -   Love    -     Forgiveness    -    Humility   -  Creativity   -   Hope   -   Thankfulness      -   Generosity   -    Respect   -   Responsibility   -   Wisdom   -   Perseverance   -    Service    -    Justice    -   Peace



Strategic Priorities

Strategic priorities are the key focus areas to enable us to achieve our school vision. Each year specific elements of our strategic priorities will be expanded into detailed actions within the School Development Plan


Our Strategic Priorities

Underpinning our strategic priorities are the two pillars of:


Safeguarding - an absolute foundation for the school where the emphasis has been and continues to be delivering a safe, supportive and secure learning environment for staff, pupils, parents and visitors to the school. A place where all staff are vigilant and confident in dealing with all safeguarding issues.


Finance – continue to manage a sustainable financial position through prudent management of the school’s resources and finance and by planning for the long-term.


We have four key development areas to focus on to ensure the school is outstanding. Our four strategic priorities are:


Strategic Priority 1 – Leadership & Management

To ensure robust leadership throughout the school, including pupils, staff and governors. To maintain strong and effective governance, with a reflective governing body providing support and challenge to the senior leadership team to drive improvement. To be pioneering in our approaches to developing an ever more sustainable and eco-friendly school, with approaches that will impact beyond the school gates and will be seen as exemplary.


Strategic Priority 2 – Quality of education

To ensure that every pupil and member of our community flourishes and reaches their full potential. Continue to develop a rich, personalised and ever evolving curriculum that maximises the opportunities of the outdoors and our local and wider localities. Maintain quality professional development so that all teaching is consistently good or outstanding and that children make and exceed expected progress. Diminish the difference where progress gaps exist across the school and, ensuring children with special educational needs have the provision they need to be successful.


Strategic Priority 3 – Behaviour, attitudes, well-being and personal development

To ensure that the mental health and well-being of the whole school community is at the heart of all that we do.  Develop an ever more nurturing environment that allows everyone to grow and work in a supportive and collaborative surrounding. Ensure structures are in place that allow both staff and pupils to work in a safe, healthy and productive way. Identify new and pioneering approaches that puts us at the forefront of the most up to date thinking and allows the school to be a leading light for others.


Strategic Priority 4 – Engagement & partnership

To strengthen engagement between school, parents, other schools and the community as well as to grow leadership and management talent, heighten operational cost effectiveness, and optimise educational outcomes for all our children. To work closely with others to support and share good practise.


Our Vision and Values