At Chew Stoke Church School we aim to secure effective teaching and learning for all and enhance achievement and well being, irrespective of personal circumstances. We have a clear philosophy that we want to provide children with opportunities that they may not always have access to. Our Pupil Premium funding, therefore, is spent on children in support of this aim.
Chew Stoke Church School aims to work effectively with every pupil; we support them where necessary to overcome academic or emotional barriers that could prevent optimum progress. We want to enable all pupils to participate in the full range of activities offered within and beyond the school to ensure they have the very best learning experience and make outstanding progress. Our aim is that pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals (Pupil Premium funding) in Key Stage 2 and pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium funding in EYFS and Key Stage 2, and those who have additional educational needs make excellent progress. Chew Stoke Church School provides effective interventions by teachers and teaching assistants.
All members of staff, governors and teaching assistants accept responsibility for all pupils and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs withing the school environment.
Funding 2024 - 2025
The school received £22,253 in funding for Pupil Premium. The school will track the impact of support on pupil progress throughout the year. It will examine the impact of any interventions and funding decisions to evaluate how effectively leadership at all levels promotes improved teaching, as judged within the context of the school to enable all pupils to overcome specific barriers to learning.
This year the grant is being used to support our Pupil Premium children in various ways as a proportion of our spending.
Academic Support:
Additional 1-1 mentoring by teachers or teaching assistants is in place for those children who are eligible for Pupil Premium.
We employ additional Teaching Assistants/teachers who spend time with children on a 1-1 basis providing additional support for children with a range of needs such as emotional, social, behavioural, attendance/punctuality.
School trips can be subsidised for Pupil Premium pupils - trips and visits are a key part of the creative curriculum approach and are used to support subsequent writing and curriculum work.
Places at school camp can be subsidised for Pupil Premium families - school camp is a key part of our extended PE curriculum and PSHE programme.
Reporting Pupil Premium
The school will publish a report online annually in the Autumn term. This report aims to detail information on how the Pupil Premium has been used and our strategy for the current academic year.