At Chew Stoke Church we are committed to providing a curriculum which is broad and balanced, and provides our pupils with opportunities to gain essential knowledge, skills and understanding which will enable them to flourish and reach their full potential academically, physically and artistically. Our intention is to provide our pupils with the opportunities to develop an appreciation of different forms of music and to be able to discuss, express and evaluate the impact music has on them.
Music is highly valued at Chew Stoke Church School, as we ensure that all of our EYFS, KS1 & KS2 pupils are continuously exposed to quality first teaching.
• Our approach is to provide all pupils with the opportunity to excel and express themselves musically by delivering an extensive programme of high quality music provision.
• Our wide and expansive range of musical instruments and equipment allows pupils to experience well-resourced music lessons following the national curriculum, whole class instrumental lessons and after school choir clubs.
Each Key Stage within the school focuses on age appropriate skills and uses a range of strategies and interventions to support the pupils.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Pupils explore and use a variety of media through a combination of child initiated and adult directed activities.
They have opportunities to learn to:
• Sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs.
• Perform songs, rhymes, poems and stories with others, and – when appropriate – try to move in time with music.
Key Stage 1 & 2
We maintain a core focus on rhythm, patterns and structure throughout the KS1 and KS2 using the Charanga scheme of work, with different age-appropriate focal points alongside this to build a wider understanding of fundamental musical concepts, as described in the National Curriculum, including:
• Pitch
• Duration
• Music Notation
All children will learn an instrument during their time at the school
Throughout every session, children are formatively assessed using some of the following techniques:
• Group questioning
• Individual questioning
• Asking a child to explain a concept back
• Asking a child to assist a peer
• Observations
• Group tasks
• Performance
We carefully monitor each child to identify any gaps in knowledge, to assess against the learning objective, and to assess whether certain pupils need additional support to understand the basics, or if they need support in accessing further learning for gifted and talented. We also use this information to evaluate whether our lessons are pitched to the right level, and adjust tasks and differentiate accordingly to help students maximise their potential.
Throughout the entire process we nurture a safe environment (both physically and emotionally) where it is okay to make mistakes, ask questions and try new thing.
Welcome to the Music Zone!
Chew Stoke loves music and provides many opportunities for children to sing, play and perform. We have two choirs; Mini Melodies for ages 7 to 9 which meets on a Tuesday and Jubilee! for ages 10 to 13 which meets on a Thursday. Both choirs run from 3.20pm to 4.30pm. They are run by the Reverend Dr Ian Mills together with Mrs Hope and Mrs Dagger and we have recently performed at Wells Cathedral, St Andrew's Church Chew Stoke, and at other parish churches in the Chew Valley. The choirs regularly perform at end of term services and events.
Learn to Play
In addition, specialist music teachers offer tuition for a range of instruments. Lessons may be booked direct by parents via the West of England Music & Arts (WEMA) website:-
Children regularly perform in Whole School Worship as well as in concerts both at school and in local churches for the benefit of the community. We also take part in larger events such as the Bath Primary Schools Carol Service.
For further information about music provision please speak to Mrs Dagger in the School Office.