Resources for Home Learning (Flood Days/Snow Days)

To help progress children's learning at home during flood/snow days or emergency closures we have put together the following learning packs. Please click on the activity pack for your child's class, this will then automatically download to your downloads folder.


Flood/Snow Day Work Pack - Hedgehog Class

Hedgehog Class

In the event of a school closure, there are many activities you and your child can be doing at home to support your children's learning. 

*Rehearse sounds using the sound cards we send home, paying particular attention to any sounds identified in recent assessments. 

*Making words containing phonemes already taught for your children to rehearse segmenting and blending to read. 

*Lay out a selection of cards and give your child a word to spell. Children should use their skill of segmenting and blending to spell new words and move the cards in the correct order. As an extra challenge can your child now copy the word and create a list of words created? 

*Rehearse the formation of letters (Please use our handwriting patters and formation which is included in this pack).

*Your child reading and re-reading their phonics book.

*Sharing a book for pleasure (You reading to your child) and taking the opportunity to focus on your child's understanding of the book you have read to them. You can focus on areas such as:

  • Predicting and giving reasons to support their ideas.
  • Discussing the character and settings in the story.
  • Talk about what they can see/ what is happening in the pictures.
  • Encouraging your child to make links with their own experiences.
  • Ask who, what, why and where questions to ensure your child has understood the text.
  • Encourage your child to explain what they like/ dislike about the book. 
  • Ask your child to retell the story in their own words with a beginning, middle and end. Can they include any story language from the book?

*Complete the home learning Maths activities linked to measuring length, height, mass and capacity.

*Also included in this pack are some Expressive Arts and Design activity ideas and snow day activity ideas. 


Flood/Snow Day Work Pack - Owl Class

Owl Class

In the event of a school closure, here are some Learning Packs which include useful resources to consolidate our learning. They also have a range of different useful, creative activities following the Year 1 National Curriculum. Alongside this, children can read their phonics books. It is important to discuss the text, asking questions to encourage recall and inference. All children have NumBots and Purple Mash log-ins in their reading records to access learning online.


Flood/Snow Day Work Pack - Kingfisher Class

Kingfisher Class

For school closure days there are Independent learning packs for both year groups in Kingfisher class, they include Maths, Reading and Writing activities, please feel free to download and complete these at home. The children also have logins for Numbots, TT Rockstars and Purple Mash which can be accessed from home, the login details can be found in the front of the Reading Records. Purple Mash has a wide range of subjects with multiple activities for each area of learning so is a great tool for home learning. Your child could also write a diary entry or a letter to Mrs Bester or Mrs Hope about their day.


Flood/Snow Day Work Pack - Woodpecker Class

Woodpecker Class

If school is closed due to flooding, children can complete a few different activities from the pack above. Alongside this, they can use Times Table Rock Stars, practise their weekly spellings, and spend some quiet time reading independently. For those feeling creative, they could try sketching, crafting, or making something special to share with the class when we return.


Flood/Snow Day Work Pack - Fox Class

Fox Class

If school is closed due to flooding, children can complete a few different activities from the pack above. Alongside this, they can use Times Table Rock Stars, practise their weekly spellings, and spend some quiet time reading independently. For those feeling creative, they could try sketching, crafting, or making something special to share with the class when we return.

There are plenty of things that you could do today, if you have the chance to get some work done. Below are some suggestions for you.


  • Get on to TT RockStars and get practising! You should be able to earn some coins and maybe even move up to the next Rock Status!
  • Have a look at the Activity Books below. There is a Times Table booklet suitable for both Y4s and Y5s, then a Y4 Addition & Subtraction booklet and a Y5 Roman Numerals booklet. (Y5s are welcome to try the + and – if you need a bit of practise and Y4s can try the Roman Numerals booklet too!)


  • Write a diary entry (real or imaginary) or a newspaper article about something that interests you.
  • Use the Story Prompts to write a story based on the picture and story starter.

You are also welcome to explore Purple Mash – there are lots of programmes that we have used together in class but also loads of things that we haven’t looked at!


Flood/Snow Day Work Pack - Badger Class

Badger Class

If school is closed due to flooding, children can complete a few different activities from the pack above. Alongside this, they can use Times Table Rock Stars, practise their weekly spellings, and spend some quiet time reading independently. For those feeling creative, they could try sketching, crafting, or making something special to share with the class when we return.


Useful Website Links

Live lessons: Joe Wickes Live PE Myleene Klass Music Lessons


TT Rockstars