School Uniform
- Grey or black trousers/skirt (knee length) / pinafores (grey or black shorts or a blue and white gingham dress may be worn in the summer)
- White or royal blue polo shirt
- Royal blue v-neck jumper
- Black school shoes - If sandals are worn they should be black, navy, brown or white and should ideally have covered toes for safety reasons. Trainers are not to be worn except for sports/PE.
- Socks - White or dark-coloured plain socks
Jeans, hoodies and other fashion clothes/shoes are not considered suitable dress for school.
P.E. and Sports
- T-shirt in House colours
- Royal blue shorts
- Plimsolls/trainers
- Royal blue/black/grey tracksuit – optional
Children should always have in school a change of clothing and plimsolls/trainers for P.E. School T-shirts and shorts are available from our uniform suppliers. Blue/grey/black tracksuits may be worn for P.E. in cold weather, but are not to be worn all day. Items should be named and kept in school in a named bag, also available from the uniform suppliers. School teams are supplied with kit for their matches.
Hairstyles – Extremes of style/colour are not considered appropriate for school. Anyone considering such styles should speak to the Headteacher first.
Jewellery is not allowed to be worn in school (for Health and Safety reasons)
Our school uniform suppliers are:-
South West Schoolwear (23 Broad Street, Wells Tel: 01749 670000) who also offer a mail order service and online ordering at South West Schoolwear - Chew Stoke
Second-hand Uniform
Our PTA sells second-hand uniform on the Uniformd website (www.uniformd.co.uk). Items purchased will be packed and delivered to the School Office for you to collect. Your class PTA representative will also accept donations of preloved uniform in good condition, or donations can be left at the School Office. Using the Uniformd website saves you money, raises funds for the PTA and is kinder to the planet!
Lost property
Please encourage children to leave toys and articles of value at home, as so much distress is caused if things are lost or broken. Children should not be bringing mobile phones to school as there is no need. PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME. The lost property box is located in the gated entrance leading to the School Hall.