The school's safeguarding lead is Mr Hewett, the deputy safeguarding leads are Mrs Connell and Mrs Lewis. The safeguarding team can be contacted by ringing the school (01275 332354) or via email:


We aim to ensure not only that children are safe, but also feel safe. Therefore, the school’s safeguarding arrangements cover all aspects of life at Chew Stoke Church School, in particular addressing these issues:

  • health and safety;
  • bullying;
  • other harassment and discrimination, including racism;
  • meeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions;
  • provision of medical first aid;
  • drug and substance abuse;
  • off-site visits;
  • internet and communications safety;
  • physical security of the School site;
  • protection from maltreatment;
  • recruitment and vetting of staff and visitors to the site;
  • behaviour, and
  • school attendance.

Volunteers and Staff Protocol

Safeguarding Children and the Curriculum

The curriculum deals with safeguarding in two ways:

  • The curriculum, in subjects such as Personal, Social and Health Education, discusses relevant issues with the children. Topics include such themes as Drugs, Sex and Relationships and Stranger Danger through age appropriate content. Children are encouraged to explore and discuss these issues.
  • The curriculum is designed so that safety issues within the subject are discussed and safe practices taught, such as:
    1. road safety
    2. food hygiene and healthy choices
    3. using equipment properly in PE and Design and Technology

Road Safety

School Lane is a very narrow road which twice daily can become very congested. In order to reduce the dangers to our children and address the concerns of our neighbours, we urge parents who live out of the village to park their cars in the Stoke Inn car park, or Pilgrims Way, and walk up to school with their children. The more parents willing to walk up School Lane, the fewer the cars and consequently the dangers to all our children will be reduced.

Access – please enter the school grounds through the pedestrian gate beside the ford. The school driveway should only be used by those with prams/buggies or by parents/carers with mobility difficulties.

Please Note – the area around the school driveway is a No Parking zone, as indicated by the road markings. This area is regularly monitored by local PCSOs, who will issue enforcement notices if the road markings are ignored.

The twenty minutes before and twenty after school 8.30 - 8.50am and 3.20 - 3.40pm has been designated as a Car Free Zone by parents - to allow all children and parents to walk to school safely.

Your co-operation in these matters is much appreciated.