31 January 2023

As part of our Road Safety Day, which supports our work with Modeshift Stars, we will be having a 'Walk to School' morning on Wednesday 1st February. We would like to encourage children on this morning to walk, scoot, cycle to school to kick off our day considering being safe on our roads. We would be so grateful for as many families to take part as possible. We will have some staff out on School Lane that morning to support the safe journeys of the children to the school.
Throughout the day, classes across the school will be having workshops linked to different aspects of road safety e.g. holding hands, pedestrian training and scooter training. We hope these activities will support children's confidence and safety when choosing to cycle, scoot and walk to school in the future. South Gloucestershire Council, who will be running our Road Safety Day, have asked if children on this day could wear something bright and colourful. We don’t want parents to go out and buy anything specific but children can wear a bright cardigan or jumper with their UNIFORM.
You may be aware that we have been having a competition in school over the last few weeks to design some new road signs for the village. The signs will be located around the village to remind motorists that the speed limit through our village is 20mph. The Parish Council will be choosing the winning designs this week. Last week we were made aware of a dangerous incident involving one of our former pupils. The pupil was hit by the wing mirror of a van whilst walking along the pavement on their way to Chew Valley School. Luckily they weren’t badly hurt but this could easily have been much more serious. With this in mind, can we all be mindful, when on the busy school school run of the 20mph speed limit in our village and where we have pavements how narrow they can be.